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MESURLITE Basic Data Collection Program

Note: MESURlite works with Mark-10 force gauges only, not with test stands.

MESURlite is a basic data collection program included with all new Mark-10 gauges with outputs. MESURlite tabulates continuous or single point data from a gauge. Data saved in the gauge’s memory can also be downloaded in bulk.

One-click export to Excel allows for further data manipulation.

For advanced data collection and analysis, as well as data collection from test stands, consider MESURgauge software.


  • Acquires and tabulates continuous, single-point, or saved data from a force or torque gauge
  • configurable start and stop test triggers
  • One-click export to Excel
  • Configurable number of readings per second, for continuous data acquisition
  • Basic data collection program included with all new Mark-10 gauges with outputs

MESURlite Screens
The Acquisition tab displays the current reading, tabulated data, and contains an Export to Excel button. The Settings tab allows the user to select gauge series, COM port, reading mode, and start and stop conditions.


Compatible equipmentMark-10 force and torque gauges
Type of dataLoad vs. time
Data tabulationyes
Export to Excelyes
Graphing and analysisno
Max. number of continuous data points1,000
Data sampling rate0.1 - 10 per second
Statistical calculationsno
Available start conditionsstart at minimum load
Available stop positionsstop when number of data points is reached
Configurable pass/fail limitsno
Save and recall test datano
Save and recall multiple test setupsno
Gauge configuration utilityno
Large digital display to monitor current readingsno


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